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FAQs and Answers

Registration FAQs

Can we sign up now and pay later?

Due to the nature of this sport, there are a large number of expenses that must be paid before the season even begins. We are not able to register any child without payment in full at registration time.

No child will be denied the chance to play Little League due to the inability to pay a fee. Sweat equity and scholarships are available.

After I pay my registration fees, are there any other fees involved?

Registration fees take care of administrative costs and help in offsetting equipment costs, but they do not begin to cover some of the other expenses associated with this sport. Some of the additional expenses include:

  1. Field costs - we do not get the use of the school, parks and other practice field facilities for free. In fact, we spend thousands of dollars each year to be able to use them.
  2. The league pays all costs associated with maintaining the fields. This means whatever they need...from grass seed to striping.
  3. Lights. The league pays nearly $20,000 in electric bills each year.
  4. Insurance on each and every player.
  5. Scholarships. No child will be denied the chance to play Little League due to the inability to pay a fee. Sweat equity and scholarships are available.
  6. Umpire fees.
  7. Participation trophies for approximately 250 kids.
  8. Trash removal.
  9. Year round storage rental fees for equipment. This includes not only the thousands of pieces of baseball equipment, but all field equipment as well.
  10. And, of course, re-certification of equipment and replacement of equipment due to loss, theft and non-return of equipment from players and parents, and normal wear and tear costs. This alone runs thousands of dollars each year.

Team commitments are met by manning the snack bar, fundraisers, company sponsorships, and/or parent and corporate donations. All families are expected to participate in fund raising.  

If my child doesn't like baseball or we are unhappy with our team later, can we quit and get our money back?

No. due to pre-season costs in this sport, all fees paid at registration are not refundable for any reason.

If my son/daughter gets hurt do you refund our money?

no. all fees paid at registration are not refundable for any reason.

Volunteers FAQs

What service can I expect from the registration fee I paid?

Diamondback Little League does not provide a service. we are a group of parent volunteers organized so that our children can play the game of baseball. when you join our organization, you agree to volunteer to make the experience enjoyable for everyone.  

What opportunities to volunteer are available?

every aspect of the season is completely organized by volunteers. When you see an area that needs improvement, go ahead! volunteer to help improve it. 

Some of the ways you can help are:
  1. League Administration
  2. Umpires
  3. Snack Bar
  4. Managers and Assistant Coaches
  5. Team Parents
  6. Scorekeepers
  7. Pitch Counters
  8. Field Prep
  9. Trash Removal - The school does not do this for us. We are responsible for removing the trash.

Spring Season FAQs

When does the season begin and end?

Evaluations and practices are conducted in late jan/early february. Games begin in early march and last through june. All-star tournaments, if selected to play can last into August  

How much time is involved in Little League?

It is a big time commitment on part of both players and parents. teams can practice as much as 2-3 times each week. Once games begin, you can expect 1 or 2 games each week in addition to 1 or 2 practices.  

What time do the kids practice?

Practices can be as long as 2 hours and can start as early as 5:00pm. This will depend on the coach's schedule and field availability. The younger the team, the earlier the practice will begin.  

What equipment do I have to buy?

The following items are provided by DBLL:

1.    Uniform (hat and shirt)

2.    All field related equipment (bases, chalk, pitching machine, etc.)

3.    Baseballs

4.    Batting Helmets (shared by team)

5.    Catcher's Gear (shared by team) 

The following items must be purchased by the player

6.    Fielders glove

7.    Baseball bat (not an absolute requirement since bats can be shared -- make sure bat meets Little League rules and regulations)

8.    Baseball pants, socks, and belt (wait until assigned to a team for color)

9.    Protective cup (boys)

10.  Cleats (non-metal for 12 & under) 

The following items are not required, but are recommended purchases by the player

11.  Batting helmet (helps prevent the spread of lice)

12.  1-2 pair of practice baseball pants

13.  1-2 Baseballs

14.  Batting gloves

How are the teams selected?

There are several divisions in Little League, which are determined by age and ability. Players are evaluated by all the coaches prior to the season, and the teams are selected (drafted) based on these evaluations. 

Who decides what team my son/daughter will play on?

The rules on setting up teams are governed by Little League International, not Diamondback Little League. The divisions and teams must be submitted to Little League International for approval and they are carefully scrutinized. This is a time consuming and difficult process and it takes hours per division to make sure these guidelines are met.  

I want all my kids on the same team. Can this be done?

Only if their ages and abilities fall within the same team division guidelines. Age cutoff is last day in December, as of 2015; before 2015 the cutoff date was last day in April. 

Who will be my son or daughters' coach?

YOU!! Every team has designated managers and coaches, but they can't do it all. Parents are expected to reinforce the concepts taught in games and practices. Play catch or take your child to the batting cages regularly and often.

If you would like to be a designated manager/coach on your child's team, fill out one of our coaching applications. We are a program run entirely by volunteers and are always looking for knowledgeable, happy volunteers to help us coach. We even provide training for those without experience.

How do I register my child for Coach XYZ's team?

We cannot accept requests to place your child with the coach of your choice. Teams must be made up according to the guidelines set forth by Little League International.  

If my kids are on different teams could they possibly play at different fields at the same time or could one child have the first game in the morning while one is the last game of the day?

Yes. We have many families with siblings in the program and for those of us who do, we often go different directions for practices and games. You must decide before registering if this will be a hardship for you. Parents are responsible for their children's transportation to and from practices and games and parents must be on time for both arrival and pick-up.

Contact Us

Diamondback Little League

610 East Bell Road #2-248 
Phoenix, Arizona 85022

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 602-345-0653
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