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Junior/Senior/Big League Divisions (13-18 year olds)

The Junior, Senior, and Big League Divisions are competitive divisions that concentrate on teaching advanced game strategies along with development of the fundamentals of hitting, catching and throwing. These divisions play games with other local little leagues during the regular season.

Major Division (10-12 year olds)

The Major Division is a competitive division that concentrates on teaching more advanced game strategies along with development of the fundamentals of hitting, catching and throwing.Ten, eleven, and twelve year olds must try-out and be drafted to a Major team in order to play in the Majors Division.

Minor Division (9-11 year olds)

The Minor Division is a competitive and instructional division that concentrates on teaching basic game strategies along with development of the fundamentals of hitting, catching and throwing. The kids begin pitching in the Minor Division.

Nine year olds, and those ten and eleven not drafted to a Major team play in the Minor Division.

Farm Division (6-8 year olds)

The Farm Division is an instructional and competitive division that concentrates on teaching the fundamentals of hitting, catching and throwing. In addition the coaches instruct the players in the basic rules and strategies of the game. The goal of the Farm Division is to develop fundamental baseball skills along with building a passion for the game. A pitching machine is used in the Farm Division.

Normally seven and eight year olds play in the Farm Division. Six year olds, based on tryout performance, are eligible for consideration to play in the Farm Division. Eight year olds, based on tryout performance, are eligible for consideration to play in the Minor Division, although it is discouraged. Parents must sign a waiver, and the player must be approved by the DBLL Board of Directors.

Tee Ball/Coach Pitch Division (4-6 year olds)

The T-Ball division is an instructional division that concentrates on teaching the fundamentals of hitting, catching and throwing. In addition, the coaches instruct the players in the basic mechanics of the game such as base running. The goal of the T-Ball Division is to develop fundamental baseball skills along with introducing kids to the game.

Normally four, five and six year olds will play in the T-Ball Division. Six year olds are eligible for consideration to play in the Farm Division although it is discouraged. Parents must sign a waiver, and the player must be approved by the Player Agent or Board of Directors. Each six year old player will be evaluated on an individual basis. The board will make safety the primary factor in its decision.

Contact Us

Diamondback Little League

610 East Bell Road #2-248 
Phoenix, Arizona 85022

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 602-345-0653
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